'He/she family (member or frneid) is a fish, along with the state officials and representatives who legitimately believe in the propaganda they disseminate."Fair enough - but I still contend that the potential pool of people who actually believe the situation is in control is actually quite small.I do grant that a sizable number still don't know what is really occurring, but I would also suggest these people are neither playing nor participating. IOW, they are the 99ers, the foreclosed, the human detritus who have basically given up hope.For those who are still involved in gaming the system, whether in the private and/or public sector, I simply do not accept that anyone actually believes the propaganda.On the contrary, they are no different from me or you, except, and this is a huge exception, they have access, either directly or indirectly, to BennyFunBux.What we really have here is Liar's Poker cum Prisoner's Dilemma. They know we know & we know they know we know, so who's gonna make the first move?Just remember the Nazis knew the jig was up long before D-Day. How else did they manage to squirrel away so much gold and make appropriate arrangements to warmer locales?